

 There are certain things every one of us has to deal with when using a computer—and we don’t always deal with them in the most efficient ways. Here are 10 things that everyone can learn to keep their computer fast, safe, and easy to use.Most common is on how to set system back up,avoidance of viruses and also using computer shortcuts.

Keep your personal information and data safe and secure.

Unfortunately, the internet isn’t always a safe place, which means everyone needs to make sure they’re keeping their personal information safe. Make sure you use strong passwords,remove personal information from photos and files and never use open public networks without protections.
Important secure procedures you can undertake when your online for your safety are;

 Use a password manager: We get it, you have a lot of passwords and you don't want to remember them all. Instead of reusing the same junky password, a password manager is a simple way to save them all securely.
 Use two-factor authentication whenever possible: Two-factor authentication is a simple way to lock your computer to an account so you have to verify your identity when you log onto a different computer.

 Shut down and unlink services you don't use: If you're the type to try out a lot of different web apps or mobile apps then you probably have a ton of passwords scattered around everywhere. When you decide you don't want to use a service anymore, remember to delete your account. This way, if the service is hacked you don't have to fumble around trying to remember your login information.

  ADBLOCKplus; Adblock Plus isn't just an ad blocking extension, it also helps keep the likes of Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ from transmitting data about you.

 GHOSTERY;Ghostery is an extension that's all about eliminating tracking cookies and plug-ins used by ad networks. With Ghostery installed, no advertiser can snoop on what you're doing online.

 DONOT TRACK EXTENSION; Do Not Track is an extension that eliminates sites with Facebook and Google+ buttons from tracking you. By default, a data exchange happens when you visit a site with one of these buttons, even if you don't click on them. Do Not Track stops that from happening.
The above  bolded extensions will help you in making safe browsing experience when using internet.

 Easy find your lost or stolen gadgets

 You never know when you might misplace your phone, laptop, or other tech, so set up some safeguards now. iPhone users can enable Find My iPhone, and Android users should enable the Android Device Manager, which allows you to track your phone if you lose it. Of course, you can always get a more check the video by following the below link.

Sharing files between two computers 

 So you’ve got some files you want to give to your friend sitting next to you, but your flash drive has mysteriously gone missing. Well guess what? You don’t need it! It’s very easy to transfer a file between two computers over your wireless (or wired) network, whether it’s between you and a friend or between multiple computers you own. Here are our favorite ways to share files with a nearby computer, but if you want to share them between multiple computers in your house, Windows’ Homegroup feature is a great option.

Keeping your computer in regular maintainance

 Computer maintenance has gotten really confusing over the years. Between defragging, cleaning up temporary files, and other tasks, it’s almost like trying to maintain a car. Luckily, it’s gotten a lot easier in recent years: you only really need to do one or two things to keep your computer running fast and smooth. Check out our guides to Windows maintenance and Mac maintenance for more info and keep your PC running like new. And if your phone’s feeling a little sluggish, we have guides for iOS and Android, too.

Set up network(wifi problems)


Understanding routers, modems, and the other things that make up your network can seem daunting, but there are a few basics that can fix most problems that come your way.For the problem with most routers is overheating you can check the link as it follows showing some major ways to resolve the problem, also you can boost up your wifi network if its speed is not fast enough and low  range follow the link ,

Protecting your PC from viruses and spywares

 Windows users have long known the pain of viruses and other malware, but the good news is it’s pretty easy to avoid.But its first important to know the differences between the viruses,trojan horse worms and other malicious wares.hen, install some good, free antivirus software to protect yourself . You can even get antivirus for your Android phone, if you so choose. But in the end, the best way to avoid viruses is to use common sense: don’t open links that look suspicious, don’t install programs from untrusted sources, and if a window pops up saying your computer’s infected, make sure it’s actually your antivirus software saying that and not a fake web page.

Using of computer shortcuts.

The great thing about computers is that they can do a lot of things much faster than a human. Say you’re looking for a specific word on a web page. Instead of scanning it yourself, all you need to do is press Ctrl+F and type the word you’re looking for. There are mountains of shortcut like this, from pressing Ctrl+S to instantly save the file you’re working on, Ctrl+P to print it out, or Ctrl+T to open a new tab in your web browser. It may seem like more trouble than its worth at first, but after you use a shortcut one or two times 
 you’ll wonder why you ever did anything with the mouse.some important computer keys to be known .

Setting a system backup system


We all know we should back up our computers, but it’s always one of those things that you’ll set up “one day”. Setting up a backup only takes minutes, though, so you can do it right now and forget about it until you need it—and when you do need it, you’ll be glad you set it up. If you’re just backing up to an external drive, you can just use the simple tools built in to your computer, like Windows Backup or Apple’s Time Machine. However, that’ll only keep you safe if your computer fails. If you lose your home in a fire, get all your gear stolen, or experience any other kind of disaster, you’ll have lost all those important documents, family photos, and other files forever. So, we recommend using a service like CrashPlan to back up your computer online. That way, it can back up no matter where you are, and that data will be safe no matter what happens to your hardware. 

Accessing your computer anywhere.

Ever go out with your laptop and realize you left something important on your computer at home? One way to solve this problem is to use a service like Dropbox, so your files are with you everywhere you go. However, it’s also handy to know how to use your home computer from anywhere. With a simple app like TeamViewer, you can log into your home computer from another machine and use it as if you were sitting right at your desk—whether you just need to grab a quick file or access a program you don’t have elsewhere.

Keeping your PC away from a crap.

 I love free apps. Who doesn’t love getting something for nothing? There’s just one problem: on the other side of that download link, every developer has to choose whether to charge money for their app, or offer it for free and find some other way to make money. And when we refuse to pay, we make that decision for them. We’ve created a demand for bundled crapware.

Ever wonder how that Yahoo toolbar got on your system, or why there’s so much junk installed on your brand new machine? Crapware is a huge problem in the world of Windows, but that doesn’t mean you have to take it lying down. With the right tools and a little know-how, you can avoid that crapware forevermore: just uninstall the stuff that came with your system, and learn the ways companies trick you into installing stuff you don’t want. You’ll keep that system nice and clean, and beat the scammers at their own game.


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