
The Little Tank Robot That Carries a Glock

The Dogo from General Robotics is a portable, tactical combat robot. We've seen that before. The big difference is that the Dogo is armed with a 9mm Glock pistol.
Dogo weighs 26 pounds and can to climb stairs and other obstacles. It trundles along at 2.5 miles an hour for at least two hours on one battery charge. The operator gets a 360-degree view of the surroundings via six video cameras, while another two cameras are sighted along the pistol barrel.
  The Dogo can fire five rounds in two seconds. One advantage of having a robot of this size is that it is not thrown out by the recoil. It can accept a magazine with up to fourteen rounds, and the operator display shows how many shots are remaining. General Robotics claims the machine is so intuitive that a soldier can operate the robot after just a few minutes of training.

Some additional features have been added for police use. One is full two-way audio communication via microphone and speakers for conducting negotiations remotely. In addition to the Glock, the Dogo can also carry non-lethal weapons which are fitted in a standard Picatinny rail—pepper spray and a dazzler module are mentioned.

The Dogo is likely to be popular for exploring tunnels and other confined spaces. In more open situations it's at a tactical disadvantage since humans on two legs may be able to outmanuver the small, vulnerable bot. This is probably the reasoning behind sending more than one Dogo at a time, as you see in the video, so the second robot can cover the first.SEE THE VIDEO ON HOW IT WORKS AND OPERATES.

 From PM.

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